4 Ways to See If You Have a Healthy Hair

healthy hair

Maintaining healthy hair is a common goal for many of us, as our hair not only plays a significant role in our overall appearance but also reflects our overall well-being.

Our hair can withstand 3.5 ounces of pressure and can stretch up to 30% longer when wet. However, only healthy hair has such superpowers: damaged hair strands are quite fragile. You may not be able to determine your hair condition at first glance. But there are simple ways to test this and take steps to get it back into shape.

In this article, We will explore four essential ways to check the health of your hair, providing valuable insights to help you understand its current condition and take steps to improve and maintain its vitality. we are always ready to give you helpful tips, and this time we’ve found out exactly what you need to do to have healthier hair.


 Way to See If You Have a Healthy Hair no.1: Follicle test

To know if your hair is overall healthy, and if hair loss is something you don’t need to worry about, you first need to check your roots. Just do this:

  • Pluck a section of hair but remember to keep it as close to the head as possible so that the roots are still attached to the hair.
  • Check the follicles. The normal base of the hair should be bulbous, so if you see this your hair is probably healthy. If your hair is stunted or has no roots, your hair is weak and needs care.


 Way to See If You Have a Healthy Hair no.2: Sink test

This measures the porosity of your hair. Healthy hair is quite strong, while damaged hair absorbs liquid quickly. Remember that genetics is also a contributing factor to hair porosity as well as heat and product damage over time. Try washing your hair before doing this test to ensure it’s clean and get the best results for your healthy hair. To perform the test, proceed with the following instructions:

  • Cut off a section of hair (previously cleaned with shampoo).
  • Place the wick in a cup of water. Perfectly healthy fibers will float, relatively healthy fibers will sink a little, and damaged fibers will sink completely.


 Way to See If You Have a Healthy Hair no.3: Tug test

The purpose of this test is to check the elasticity of your hair. This can be achieved through these actions:

It essentially measures the severity of your hair loss. If you consult your doctor and decide to have a specialist perform the test, he or she will pluck small areas of hair (about 40 strands), in different areas of your head. If more than 6 hairs fall out, you are experiencing hair loss. The test will reveal whether you have signs of brittle hair loss or not.

  • Gently remove a section of hair.
  • Pull it gently at both ends. If it relaxes and springs back when you let go, it’s still healthy. If it breaks easily then it is quite weak.

To improve elasticity, consider deep conditioning treatments and heat protection products when styling your hair.


 Way to See If You Have a Healthy Hair no.4: Porosity test

A hair porosity test is a simple yet informative method used to determine how well your hair can absorb and retain moisture. Hair porosity refers to your hair’s ability to absorb and hold onto water, oils, and other hair products.
With this test, you can determine the condition of your hair cuticle to see if it is damaged or not. You need to do the following:
  • Clip a section of hair between your index and middle fingers.
  • Slide it between your fingers, from top to bottom. If it’s rough and uneven, your hair is damaged. If it’s sweet, it’s healthy.

Understanding your hair’s porosity can help you choose the right products and treatments to maintain its optimal moisture balance and overall health.

Taking care of your hair goes beyond cosmetics; it’s about maintaining your overall health and well-being. By regularly assessing your hair’s texture, sheen, elasticity, scalp condition, and monitoring hair loss patterns, you can gain valuable insights into the health of your locks. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions about your hair care routine, ensuring that your hair remains vibrant, strong, and beautiful. Whether you’re a hair care enthusiast or someone just beginning your journey to healthier hair, these four checks are essential steps to achieving and maintaining the hair you’ve always desired.


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